Applying with us is very easy

Simply complete your personal details below, then answer our questionnaire which is specific to this vacancy. Your answers to the questionnaire will enable us to process your application faster. At the very bottom of this page please upload your resume and a covering letter or supporting documents if relevant. We accept files in PDF, .doc or .docx formats, under 2MB.

You are applying for the position:

Data and Insights Analyst | Balclutha, New Zealand

Application Form (All fields are required)

1. Advertising Avenue:
Where did you see this position advertised?

2. Residency status:
Please select the option below which best describes your residency status

3. Injury and medical history:
Have you had an injury or medical condition caused by gradual process, disease or infection - e.g. hearing loss, sensitivity to chemicals, repetitive strain injury, which the tasks of this job may aggravate/contribute to? if yes please give details.

4. Drivers Licence:
Please select all the New Zealand vehicle licences that you currently hold.

5. Driving history:
Are you awaiting hearing of any charges for driving offences?

6. Criminal offences:
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or are you on any active charges? (This does not include convictions that are subject to the clean slate scheme of the Criminal Records (Clean Slate Act 2004). Applicants may be asked to sign a police vetting form authorizing the Clutha District Council to seek a police report on them.)

7. Health and Safety regulations:
Are you prepared to abide by Health and Safety regulations?

8. Previous employee:
Have you previously been employed by Clutha District Council? If yes, please give date of last year employed and name employed under:

9. Qualifications:
Do you have any qualifications relevant to this role?

10. Motivation:
Please outline why this job appeals to you

11. Declaration:
Do you declare to the best of your knowledge, the answers to this questionnaire are correct. Do you understand that if any false information is given or any material fact suppressed, you may not be accepted, or if you are employed, you may be dismissed.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

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